Based inLyon
09:36 France
Available for freelance
Jordan Thiervoz
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I’m a french freelance creative web developer with more than 8 years of experience in my craft. I focus mainly on smooth animations and discrete interactions to produce websites that are enjoyable for everyone.

After 6 months of travel across South America, I'm finally available for freelance work !
I enjoy using modern tools like Nuxt or Next create modern and performant websites that work in pair with some of my favorite headless CMS : Prismic, Strapi or DatoCMS
I also have a deep knowledge of WordPress due to my 7+ years of work with agencies using it.
I go nowhere without my favorite tools : GSAP, three.js, OGL, Lenis, TailwindCSS (and many more). But I’m constantly keeping an eye out for new ways of making my productions load faster, my animations go smoother, and my users go happier.
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